João Motta Guedes
No feeling is final, 2024
May I read you a poem, 2024
How to live?, 2023
Every poem searches for a way, 2023
We follow the road, 2023
Untitled (The sun that bleeds), 2023
You came to start the revolution, 2023
Just keep walking, 2022
This sign is an act of love, 2022
Untitled (how small a thought it takes), 2022
Monument to Kafka, 2022
Who owns whom? 2021
Flight into the blue, 2019
Texts / Press
Contemporânea - No feeling is final
Umbigo - How to live?
Umbigo - Wanderlust
Rato al sol - do it yourself
FITA Magazine - Vol. IV
João Motta Guedes, 1995
Based in Lisbon, Portugal.
João Motta Guedes explores concepts of freedom, vulnerability, love and violence. His artistic productions reflect on life as a metaphor for a journey where different paths emerge, allowing the discovery and sharing of experiences about the meaning of feeling and being human. His artistic language appears in media such as installation, sculpture, photography, drawing, written words and poetry, and has predominantly a projectual and experimentalist nature. Based on a poetic discourse and narratives, it seeks to question the way forward through oniric expressions that elevate the observer to a utopian look at society and life, resulting in a comprehensive record of symbolic and metaphorical images that enhance poetry as the answer to the formulated questions.
2013-2018 Law (BA), University of Lisbon, Faculty of Law (PT)
2018-2018 Study exchange program, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (BR)
2018-2021 International and European Law (MA), NOVA University of Lisbon, Faculty of Law (PT)
2019-2023 Painting (MFA), University of Lisbon, Faculty of Fine Arts(PT)
Solo Exhibitions
2024, "No feeling is final", Galeria da Boavista, Lisbon (PT)
2023, "How To Live?", Galeria NAVE (Lisboa, PT)
2023, "You came to start the revolution", Galeria Zé dos bois ('2ª na Z' program), Lisbon (PT)
(Selected)Group Exhibitions
2023, "Be my guest", Galeria NAVE, Lisbon (PT)
2023, "A Dream brought me here", (org.Galeria NAVE), Glogauair, Berlin (DE)
2023, "Prémio Arte Jovem 2023", P31 Centro Hospitalar Psiquiátrico de Lisboa (PT)
2023, "Gémeos falsos", Appleton square, curated by Diogo Ramalho and Mercedes Vidal-Abarca, Lisbon (PT)
2023, "O encantado só anda no horário da maré", Garagem, curated by Tiago Alexandre, Lisbon (PT)
2023, "Olhos nos olhos", Galeria Graça Brandão, Lisbon (PT)
2023, "The garden of forking paths", Buraco, Lisbon (PT)
2023, "Wanderlust",(org.Galeria NAVE), Galeria Artes - Mota Galiza, Porto, (PT)
2022, "(0/1) o zero e o um", (org.Galeria NAVE), Museu Nacional de História Natural e da Ciência (MUNHAC), Lisbon, (PT)
2022, “Pára, Depára-te”, Fábrica do Braço de Prata, Lisbon (PT)
2022, “GABA”, Faculdade de Belas-Artes, Lisbon (PT)
2021, “BABEL”, Palacete Burnay - Biblioteca de Alcântara, Lisbon (PT)
2021, “O Símbolo de uma Pandemia”, Cisterna da Faculdade de Belas-Artes de Lisbon (PT)
2020, “Como bebe uma flor”, Jardim das Amoreiras, Lisbon (PT)
2020, “Alunos da FBAUL”, Travessa da Ermida, Lisbon (PT)
2020, “Tendas”, Escola Manuel da Maia, Lisbon (PT)
2020, “Pop Up”, Faculdade de Belas-Artes de Lisbon (PT)
2019, “Coexistência e Negociação”, Museu Condes de Castro Guimarães, Cascais (PT)
2020 PRÉMIO DE PINTURA DOS ALUNOS DA FBAUL, Travessa da Ermida, Lisbon (PT)
2020 1º PRÉMIO DE CURTA-METRAGEM SÉNIOR, "Quem sou eu neste novo mundo?", Lisbon (PT)
2024 "GLOGAU" AIR, Berlin (DE)
2021,"CHAPIM, Pousio", Centro de Estudos de Novas Tendências Artísticas (CENTA), na Tapada da Tojeira, Vila Velha de Ródão (PT)
2020,"TENDAS, Base", MArt Escola de Artes, Lisbon (PT)
2023, Arco Lisboa, with Galeria NAVE
2018 – Present, Researcher on the project: “COSMOS – COSMOPOLITISM: justice, democracy and citizenship without borders”. Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (PT)
2020 – 2022, Member of the Association “Pousio Arte e Cultura” (PT)
(Selected) Publications
2024, "Be my guest" 5 year anniversary catalog of Galeria NAVE, Lisbon (PT).
2023, "Responses to Untitled (eye with comet) (c. 1985) by Paul Thek", Pilot Press, London (UK).
2022, "(0/1) o zero e o um", MUHNAC (Museu Nacional de História Natural e da Ciência), Lisbon (PT).
2022, "FBAUL 2011-21, Prémios /Awards", Faculdade de Belas Artes (PT).
2020, "Alunos da Fbaul na Ermida - prémio de pintura", Travessa da Ermida, Lisbon (PT).
2020, "Invisible". In: Crise Pandémica: Quem sou eu neste novo mundo? Prémio de Literatura e Curta-Metragem Filo-Lisboa 2020", Lisbon (PT).
(Selected) Academic Publications
2023, “A Negatividade da Estética do Direito: o Direito enquanto relação social fluída e a estética dos Direitos Humanos” in Aventuras Cosmopolitas, edit. Nour Sckell, Soraya, Lisboa.
2022, “Aesthetics of Human Rights: Images that provoke citizenship”, in Human(ities &) Rights Global Network Journal.
2020, "The aesthetics of the political image: On the paintings of Rugendas following the steps of Humboldt". In To grasp the whole world, (1E1A-F84D-D048) edit. Nour Sckell, Soraya. Berlim, Germany: Duncker & Humboldt.
2020, A cidadania segundo Hannah Arendt e a ideia de uma "cidadania universal" como fundamento dos Direitos Humanos: uma utopia possível?". In Visões de Mundo: Dimensão Jurídica,Lisboa, CEDIS.